Eastern Counties Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Society


Sun 21st September 2003

Judge : Mrs Jo Ann Carvill

Best in Show - Kavacay Spring Faith



BIS and Reserve BIS Best in Show ~ KAVACAY SPRING FAITH
Reserve Best in Show ~ PASCAVALE ENCHANTED
Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex ~
Pascavale Enchanted
Reserve Best in Show
Best Puppy in Show Best Puppy in Show ~ Craigowl Billy Elliot
Best Minor Puppy ~ Stanhome Petite Fleur Best Minor Puppy
Best Veteran Best Veteran ~Charlottetown Roger
Best Minor Puppy and Best in Show
Reserve Best Dog

Reserve Best Dog ~ Frondil Foenix

Overall view

Best in Show

Junior Dog

Post Graduate Dog

Open Dog

Post Graduate Bitch

Graduate Bitch

Sp Limit Ruby or Black + Tan Bitch

Veteran Dog

Veteran Bitch


1. Charlottetown Roger
2. Shenlyn December Digby

1. Linjato My Destiny at Simpatico
2. Myhope Follow That Dream
3. Nottus Not Naughty Now
4. Becanna Armida
5. Bowfort High Stakes of Scotlass


Minor Puppy Dog

Minor Puppy Bitch


1. Scotlass The Laird
2. Charlottetown Cupid
3. Pascavale Double Take

1. Stanhome Petite Fleur
2. Tansonville Solitaire
3. Stanhome Marie-Claire
4. Charlottetown Valentine
5. Korolevsky Anna Akhmatova

Puppy Dog

Puppy Bitch


1. Craigowl Billy Elliott
2. Aranel Ballistic
3. Clopsville Jack Daniels
4. Pascavale Majestic with Kusilla
5. Miletree MacNab

1. Nyleve Alicia at Lanning
2. Chrisdelau Snowflake of Whimal
3. Rivermoor Lady Kelly
4. Miletree Enchantment
5. Wilma Dogwyn for Khatibi

Junior Dog

Junior Bitch


1. Volney Super Sleuth
2. Hiscli MoonMorganite
3. Charlottetown Topman
4. Nottus Hooray Henry
5. Scotlass Harrison

1. Tasset Sweet Affair
2. Clopsville Rosso
3. Pauroi China In Your Hand
4. Geronsart Amelie
5. Leelyn Essence

Novice Dog

Novice Bitch


1. Hiscli MoonMorganite
2. Becanna Barnaby
3. Leelyn Declan
4. Lillypin Black Magic

1. Tasset Sweet Affair
2. Telvara Krystianna
3. Nottus Never So Naughty
4. Nyleve Queen Of the South at Lanning
5. Simpatico Pure Genius

Graduate Dog

Graduate Bitch


1. Frondil Foenix
2. Volney Super Sleuth
3. Roydwood Replay at Cornlands
4. Chryshan Dudley Moore
5. Shenlyn April Allet

1. Kavacay Spring Faith
2. Nyleve Honeymoon at Lanning
3. Frondil Katie Kaidee
4. Leelyn Goldie Locks
5. Valanroy Uptown Girl at Stanhome

Post Graduate Dog

Post Graduate Bitch


1. Aranel Bombastic
2. Christleton Rio's Legacy of Wingspan
3. Rosscrea Maverick with Simpatico
4. Chryshan Mr Pickwick
5. Triple Dash of Charlottetown

1. Rosscrea Swingtime
2. Kavacay Pearl Lady
3. Baray Atomic Kitten
4. Sorata Leeann
5. Korolevsky Natalya

Sp Limit Blenheim or Tri Dog

Sp Limit Blenheim or Tri Bitch

1. Tasset Tiger Woods
2. Scotlass Tippecano
3. Crownhills Tom Jones
4. Nottus Hooray Henry
5. Triple Dash of Charlottetown
1. Monaric A Touch Of Fantasy
2. Muffity Adorable Ellesse of Stanhome
3. Sorata Leeann
4. Nottus My Way
5. Allourone Icicle
Sp Limit Black+Tan or Ruby Dog Sp Limit Black+Tan or Ruby Bitch
1. Leelyn Darius
2. Christleton Rio's Legacy of Wingspan
3. Shenlyn February Focus for Myhope

1. Volney Ruby Rosa
2. Leelyn Essence
3. Becanna Pheemie Peebles
4. Sultair Sea Song

Open Dog

Open Bitch

1. Pascavale Enchanted
2. Ricksbury Royal Edition of Crystaldean
3. Lusanjo Rocket of Charlottetown
4. Rivermoor Charley Boy
5. Khatibi Claudius at Bonema
1. Ronmal Love In A Mist
2. Khatibi Boadicea
3. Monaric Bajoran Princess


Sp Open bred by Exhibitor Dog

Sp Open bred by Exhibitor Bitch

1. Leelyn Rug Rat
2. Clopsville Kansas
3. Khatibi Claudius at Bonema

1. Volney Monopoly
2. Ronmal Love In A Mist
3. Khatibi Boadicea
4. Monaric Ray of Light
5. Becanna Pheemie Peebles

Best Dog ~ Pascavale Enchanted
Reserve Best Dog ~ Frondil Foenix
Dog Puppy ~ Craigowl Billy Elliot
Best Bitch ~ Kavacay Spring Faith
Reserve Best Bitch ~ Tasset Sweet Affair
Bitch Puppy ~ Stanhome Petite Fleur


Eastern Counties CKCS Society

Sunday 21 September 2003

The invitation to judge your open show was most appreciated. The committee was helpful and welcoming, the exhibitors were very kind and sporting. My sincere thank you to everyone. It's been about three years since I last visited the UK. I found the cavaliers to be lovely and the quality high. Lovely heads with large, round dark eyes were (once again) plentiful. My ideal Cavalier is a small (toy) spaniel with a graceful, elegant, outline. To achieve that one needs a moderate neck flowing into well laid shoulders continuing on to a level back with the tail as a natural extension of the back.

Movement should be free and easy with a level top line and a correct tail set with the tail carried straight off the back and wagging. Glamour is as much about outline and carriage as it is about coat, perhaps more. A good length of neck on well laid shoulders goes far to achieve the elegance our breed should possess. I found the entry to have many Cavaliers that fit the bill. The quality was excellent.

Class 1. Veteran dog. (2) 1)
Richmond's Charlottetown Roger. Nine year old, tri dog with a handsome head and full set of gleaming teeth! A credit to his owner…all cavalier!
2) Randall & Irvine's Shenlyn December Digby Eight year old ruby.

Class 2. Minor Puppy Dog (4) 3
1) Bloice's Scotlass The Laird Seven month old, small, pretty, well marked blenheim baby.
2) Barwell's Charlottetown Cupid Seven month old blenheim, bigger type.
3)Levy & Sedwick's Pascaval Double Take

Class 3. Puppy dog (7) 5
1) Inglis' Craigowl Billy Elliot A very animated tri color. Eleven months old and feeling fine. He's heavily marked but what a lovely puppy. Beautiful outline, good topline and tail carriage, moderate bone and excels on the move. Beautiful bright tan and correct silky coat. Head needs a bit more time.
2) Aldous & Smith's Aranel Ballistic Blenheim of almost 12 months. Very pretty, shapely little puppy. Could easily change places, on the day the tri was full of him self and very correct.
3) Salisbury"s Clopsville Jack Daniels

Class 4. Junior Dog (12) 7
1) Boardman's Volney Super Sleuth Heavily marked blenheim, good rich color. Good outline and shoulder.. Strong topline, nicely sprung ribs.
2)Ford's Hiscli Moonmorganite Well broken tri. Looks a baby.
3)Barwell's Charlottetowm Topman

Class 5. Novice Dog (12) (4)
1) Ford's Hiscli Moonmorganite See Junior.
2)Hill's Becanna Barbaby Blenheim.
3)Shinnick's Leelyn Declan

Class 6. Graduate dog (9) 8
1)Jackson's. Frondil Foenix Beautifully marked blenheim, jet black pigment, big brown eyes. Very typy little dog in good condition and coat. Excels in neck and shoulders. Holds a nice topline moving and standing. Strong hind quarters, moves well off his nice little hocks. Reserve dog.
2) Boardman's Volney super Sleuth Blenheim from previous class, his rear let him down here.
3) Rae's Roydwood Replay at Cornlands

Class 7. Post graduate Dog (9) 7
1) Aldous & Smith's Aranel Bombastic Very pretty little blenheim dog with a big coat. Steady mover.
2) Sidery-Smith's Christleton Rio's Legacy of Wingspan Black and tan of the proper shape and carrying a beautiful coat.
3)Godwin's Rosscrea Maverick With Simpatico

Class 8. Special Limit Blenheim or Tricolor Dog (9) 3
1) Hall's Tasset Tiger Woods Another blenheim. Good rich color, coat a bit on the blow. Good pigment.
2)Bloice's Scotlass Tippecano Another blenheim with a good deep color.
3) Greensmith's Crownhills Tom Jones.

Class 9. Special Limit Black & Tan Dog (5) 3
1) Shinnick's Leelyn Darius Ruby with all the right angles. Moved beautifully round the ring with nice presence. Held a good topline moving and standing. Pretty shoulders and strong quarters. Nice color. Needs a bit more confidence.
2)Christleton Rio's Legacy of Wingspan see post graduate
3) Sullivan's Shenlyn February Focus For Myhope

Class 10. Open Dog (11) 7
1) Levy & Sedgwick's Pascavale Enchanted Beautifully marked toy spaniel. The proper size and a beautiful shape, holds a pretty topline at all times. Has beautiful black pigment everywhere needed: on his nose, around his eyes and in his mouth. Yummy head with the gentlest of expressions. Best Dog. During best in show he lost a bit of sparkle (it was HOT). The bitch had sparkle to spare.
2)Dolamore's Ricksbury Royal Edition of Crystaldean Nice blenheim in good coat.
3)Barwell's Lusanjo Rocket of Charlottetown

Class 11. Special Open Bred By Exhibitor Dog (5) 4
1)Shinnick's Leelyn Rug Rat. Black and tan with excellent coat texture and color. Moving and showing nicely in spite of the heat.
2)Salisbury's Clopsville Kansas Blenheim.
3)Tarabad's Khatibis Claudius at Bonema

Class 12. Veteran Bitch (5) 5
1) Godwin's Linjato My Destiny at Simpatico Lovely type bitch exuding sweet Cavalier gentleness.
2)Payne's Myhope Follow That Dream Black and tan..another very sweet bitch.
3) Miller's Nottus Not Naughty Now

Class 13. Minor Puppy bitch
1) Stanley's Stanhome Petite Fleur Heavily marked tri baby of just seven months. Held a good topline and moved with style and grace. Has a very pretty head. Would like to see a bit more body. Best Bitch Puppy
2)Roose's Tansonville Solitaire Blenheim, pretty puppy..rather awkward at the minute
3)Stanley's Stanhome Marie-Claire

Class 14. Puppy Bitch (10) 5
1) Moseley & Wood's Nyeve Alicia at Lanning Tri bitch. Head needs time.
2)White's Chrisdelau Snowflake of Whimal Lightly marked blenheim.
3)Harvey's Lady Kelly

Class 15. Junior bitch (16) 10
Nice class. My notes say not much to divide the first three.
1)Hall's Tasset Sweet Affair Very sweet feminine blenheim bitch. Moving and showing well, using her well let down hocks to good advantage. Lovely head and expression. Reserve bitch
2)Payne's Clopsville Rosso Blenheim not quite the finish of the above.
3)Roberts' Pauroi China in Your Hand

Class 16. Novice bitch (16) 7
1)Hall's Tasset Sweet Affair see junior
2)Hull's Telvara Krystianna Blenheim with the sweetest of heads.
3)Miller's Nottus Never So Naughty

Class 17. Graduate Bitch (13) 8
1) Robertson's Kavacay Spring Faith A very pretty blenheim girl with dark eyes and dense pigment. A classic outline and head. Moved very well from all angles. Oozed confidence and a very "cavalier" attitude. Best bitch and Best in Show.
2)Moseley & Wood's Nyleve Honeymoon at Lanning Pretty ruby, nice topline.
3)Jackson & Vout's Frondil Katie Kaidee

Class 18. Post graduate bitch (7) 6
1) Taylor's Rosscrea Swingtime Blenheim well handled, shown in lovely condition.
2)Robertson's Kavakay Pearly Lady Nice blenheim bitch not the neck and lay of shoulder of the first.
3)Reid's Baray Atomic Kitten

Class 19. Special limit blenheim or tricolour (9) 5
1)Connell's Monaric A Touch Of Fanatsy Well marked tri bitch. Very pretty head.
2)Stanley's Muffity Adorable Ellese of Stanhome My notes say well marked, pretty neck.
3)Plunkett's Sorata Leeann

Class 20. Special limit black and tan or ruby (6) 3
1)Boardman's Volney Ruby Rosa. Sweet ruby with big round eyes, well set ears framed her face nicely. Nice layback of shoulder. Stylish little lady.
2)Shinnicks'Leelyn Essence Black and tan
3)Hill's Becanna Pheemie Peebles

Class 21. Open Bitch (5) 3
1)Matthews' Ronmal Love In The Mist. Bigger blenheim bitch, moving nicely. Coat on the blow.
2)Tarabad's Khatibi Boadicea
3)Connell's Monaric Bajoran Princess

Class 22. Special open bred by exhibitor bitch (9) 7
1)Boardman's Volney Monopoly Blenheim of a nice size, beautiful dark blenheim color. Very pretty head, nice pigment.
2)Ronmal Love in a Mist (see open)
3)Khatibi Boadicea