The number one site for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed in the UK.

Cavalier Pedigree Search

An Internet service provided by Gayhalo Results Service

It only takes a few simple steps to display your Cavalier pedigree.

Select the number of generations you will want displayed in the pedigree. For most computer printers printing in Landscape mode, 5 generations is the best choice.
Enter the name, or partial name, of the Cavalier to search for.
  • If you use slow search, entering "Honey" will find all Cavaliers whose names contain the letters "Honey", including all those containing "Honeysuckle" or "Honeybet". Slow search is more thorough and accurate.
  • If you use fast search, you must provide a full word for matches to show up; for example, entering "Honeybet" will find all Cavaliers whose names contain the word "Honeybet" but would not find those whose names contain "Honeybetcavalier". For more successful searches, please use a word longer than 3 letters and omit any 's at the end.
Perform fast search by full word.
Perform slow search by partial word, full word, or multiple words.
Click on the "Search Now" button below. This will begin the search. The database is quite large, so do not be alarmed if it takes a minute to see the list of matches.

Due to current technical issues we are unable to add to our database
pedigrees submitted by owners.

This page was developed in conjunction with Breedmate and Alfirin Technologies by Gayhalo Results Service. There are no guarantees made as to the accuracy of the data published at this site. For questions or further information, please visit Gayhalo Results Service on the Internet at
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